Please use this link to book Michael E. Reagan! |
1. How would President Reagan would manage these challenging political times?
Michael takes the audience on a journey into the mindset and values of America’s most admired modern President. Michael brings the audience behind the scenes of the campaign trail and into the private residence of the White House. Here, policy is the centerpiece of the day, and bipartisanship the goal after business hours. Michael gives an insight into policy that few can share — Michael knew President Reagan when he was just ‘dad.’
2. From Welfare to Millionaire: Achieving the American Dream
Do you know Michael Reagan, eldest son of one of America’s leading families? Prepare for an amazing journey as Michael worked his way to the top level of broadcasting. One of America’s favorite sons details his struggles in dealing with failure. Is a great family name ever a curse? Michael shares with you, his story of perseverance and independence.
3. Reagan/Lincoln Day Functions
Michael is honored to represent his father’s political legacy at Reagan Day functions. Michael often speaks at events sharing his father’s experiences and legacy from a unique perspective - that of a son.
4. From Hell to Salvation
Michael Reagan’s story of redemption, Christian testimony
Click this link to watch the video of Michael’s Testimony
Click this link to see a comment on Michael’s testimony speech at Bryan College in May 2012
5. Child Abuse; how to protect your children- Advocacy
Michael Reagan tells his story of abuse and survival in a conversation with John Fuller of Focus on the Family.
Part 1 of 2; Part 2 of 2
Mike was warm, friendly, and humorous to all he met, his comments on the current political climate were very insightful, and he was nothing but accommodating to our group. Don was very impressed, and I think will be reaching out to Mike again in the future. I know that Tommy Thompson appreciated Mike’s participation as well.
Sue Colbert, Exec. Assistant, Logistics Health Incorporated, La Crosse, WI
Michael Reagan connected with our audience in a very personal way. He wove the mission of Bryan College and the purpose of the event into his presentation. He made time to speak with guests prior to and after the dinner. The impact was clear as we received a record amount of gifts and pledges at the dinner. I highly recommend Michael Reagan and would be glad to speak with anyone who would like more information.
Blake Hudson, VP For Advancement, Bryan College
Click this link for speech
Click this link for an article honoring Michael in TN after this speech, and recognizing him as “American Hero #12”
Mike was great! He really connects with the audience and is able to relate to everyone. He delivers a valuable message about getting America on track and back to our roots of hard work and good values.
Paula Schmidt, Midwest Republican Leadership Conference
I am still getting great feedback, even this week from someone I met at another non-profit organization. She said that you are quite possibly the best speaker she has heard. I agree! You have to understand that Dallasites don’t just give idle flattery. We get great speakers here, so these are really sincere compliments!
Gail H. Plummer, AmeriCorp Global Relocation Services
You were simply amazing! You were also incredibly generous with your time, thank you! You are a master communicator, I guess the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. You were also compelling, inspiring, entertaining, riveting, moving and superb in your delivery…The after comments from the attendees reflect all of my above compliments. You are a dear! Thank you again.
Maria, Republican Women
Your presentation was a valuable component of the program, and the Association hopes that your experience was equally as enjoyable. CAPCA certainly appreciates the time and energy that went into making your presentation top-notch. The feedback from our members has been very positive.
David Pattison, California Association of Pest Control Advisers
Michael Reagan gives you insights into his Father’s thinking and actions. Outstanding speaker and communicator. Feedback from attendees has been nothing but glorious.
Barbara, Southwest Georgia Republican Women
Michael Reagan is the kind of speaker you’d like to have every year. He’s very friendly yet professional, high in demand yet very accessible.
Tina Miller, IGWTA, Chair