Michael Reagan is currently the chairman of the “Citizen Legislature Now 2012”, which is an organization in support of a ballot measure for a part time legislature in California. Reagan commented in his latest article: “To reverse its death spiral, California needs to return to a part-time legislature and turn its career politicians into part-time citizen politicians — which is what they are in 41 other states and what they were in California until 1967”. To learn more about this issue please visit the official site at: Citizen Legislature Now 2012
SEE Michael Reagan’s Varney & Co. interview here on Part-time Legislature
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This is an article honoring Michael as an American Hero, by the American Values Investments, Inc, a registered investment advisory firm located in the Tri Cities of Tennessee.
Congratulations! American Hero #12: Michael Reagan
In April, I was privileged to spend some memorable time with Michael Reagan, our newest American Hero. (The photo of us above was taken at the National Memorial for the Unborn in Chattanooga, TN.) I witnessed two standing ovations after his remarks at a fund raiser for Bryan College and then, again, at a chapel service for their students the next morning. I could not tell who appreciated him more the seasoned adults or the young college students! In between the events we had some candid conversations regarding his political, cultural and spiritual views. I was captivated by his genuine faith and humble transparency. As I stood and applauded for him after his dinner speech I whispered to a friend beside me, who was also standing, something like, “Michael Reagan is a national treasure” and, indeed, he is.
To Read Full Article Click This Link
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