When Ronald Reagan and his then-wife Jane Wyman adopted me they gave me the name Michael Reagan. That’s what parents — adopted or natural — do. They name their offspring, natural or adopted.
Recently I launched the first-ever conservative Internet service, Reagan.com, and I offered to make all of its services available to whoever wished to take advantage of them for a modest fee.
Somehow, this modest enterprise enraged the loonies on the far left. I was accused of using my father’s name — and mine, you know, the name my parents gave me.
I also use the name Michael Reagan as chairman of the John Douglas French Alzheimer’s Foundation at www.jdfaf.org.
I use it for the My Stuff Bags Foundation at www.mystuffbags.org that sends bags stuffed with love to 26,000 children in 49 states who are taken from their homes because of neglect and abuse. There are 300,000 taken from their homes in the USA each year.
I use it for my own foundation at www.reaganlegacyfoundation.org that teaches about the greatness of America to high school students here and abroad.
I use it for adoption and foster care at www.arrow.org because there are 516,000 children in foster care, with over 100,000 available for adoption. Tragically 70 percent of those who “age out” will end up on the street or in jail.
For not a single one of these organizations where I use my name or my father’s name do I take a paycheck.
Sure, I will make a profit on the e-mails, but the causes I support are the ones who are helped, along with conservative values and candidates my father Ronald Reagan would support worldwide.
I realize that the far-left loonies who hated my father and now hate me consider making a profit from any enterprise to be the root of all evil, but I am not responsible for their unfortunate deranged mental state.
Liberals control academia, Hollywood and the media. If we let them, they can also control the Internet.
Let’s get the Internet back and stop supporting these organizations:
Google: Gmail (e-mail)
CEO Eric Schmidt is a personal friend of Barack H. Obama. Schmidt is a member of Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page contributed $140,000 to the same-sex-marriage campaign in California.
Apple: Me.com (e-mail)
Al Gore is a member of Apple’s Board of Directors. Apple contributed $100,000 to same-sex-marriage campaign in California. Also, 100 percent (yes 100 percent!) of Steve Jobs’ (CEO) contributions go to Democrats!
Microsoft: Hotmail (e-mail)
In 2008, more than 71 percent of Microsoft’s political contributions went to Democrats and Barack Obama
Yahoo: Yahoo Mail (e-mail)
Co-Founder Jerry Yang loves to give money to Democrats including Pelosi and Obama.
AOL: AOL e-mail
Members of AOL’s Board of Directors are large contributors to Democrats (William Hambrecht, Patricia E Mitchell, James Wiatt, Fredric Reynolds)
Barack Obama
With the help of his friends in the top Internet companies (Google, Yahoo), BHO raised over half a billion dollars online for his 2008 campaign.
©2010 Mike Reagan. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.