Well, it is that time of year when most of us have unwrapped all of our gifts, eaten too much ham and pumpkin pie, and started to think about making a New Year’s Resolution. We’ve been spending time reflecting and pondering on what aspects of our lives, personal or professional, we would most like to improve.
But today I have a recommended New Year’s Resolution for all of my fellow Conservatives across the country — one that has nothing to do with losing weight, quitting smoking or reading more. Instead, it has everything to do with saving our country.
I am resolving to work with party activists, candidates, elected officials, organizations, donors, and conservative voters across the country to find those issues and ties that bind us as Republicans rather than revert to the internal attacks that will set back our party, and our nation, for decades to come. I am resolving to move forward, and I hope I can count on each of you to join me!
Next year is critical to our political efforts. The 2010 midterm election will give Republicans an opportunity to reconnect with voters across the nation and set the stage for an even stronger 2012 cycle. But before we get distracted by our future hopes for the White House, we have much work to do. With 36 governorships up for election and the ever-important state legislative battles that will help shape the future political landscape through redistricting, our efforts are only just getting underway.
That is why I am resolute in my conviction that we can no longer afford to wage the type of attacking and bitter intra-party battles that have weakened our ability to coalesce as a party in opposition to the wasteful and damaging policies coming out of Washington. That is not to say that we should not engage in spirited primaries in an attempt to put forth the best candidates for the general election. What it does mean is that once a Republican candidate is victorious in the primary, all Republicans should give them their full support. Moreover, this support must not stop after the ballot has been cast.
The days of “not conservative enough” or “too conservative for me” should be erased from our political vocabulary once the primary process is complete. At that stage, we must join together to help our candidates win elections and begin the critical job of stopping the flow of liberal policies coming out of Washington and numerous state capitals across the land.
The challenges ahead are too great for us not to make this resolution together. For if we fail, I fear our nation will pay a hefty price — hopefully not an irreversible one.
So as we approach this new year and reflect upon 2009 and think of ways to improve our situations in 2010, I ask that my fellow Republicans join together to have a respectful debate during our upcoming primary process and then give their full support to our selected nominees even if there remain some philosophical differences. I know this is the approach my father personally took and I cannot think of a better beacon of light than his legacy to help us once again find our way.
Have a safe and prosperous 2010!
©2009 Mike Reagan. If you’re not a paying subscriber to our service, you must contact us to print or Web post this column. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.