I don’t know what happened to Michael Jackson when he was a child, but whatever it was it created a badly scarred human being capable of badly scarring a new generation of youngsters.
Think about it, nobody does to their face what he has done to his if they are happy on the inside. It’s very obvious that he is anything but happy on the inside. It shows that he can’t even face himself in the mirror, and that’s why he has tried to change his appearance so radically. Then he discovers that even though he can change his appearance, he can’t change what is on the inside, gnawing away at him. Every time he looks in the mirror he sees himself, and he hates what he sees.
I don’t know what happened to him as a child - I don’t know what happened in that home, - his brothers and sisters aren’t talking, his parents aren’t talking - but something so traumatic happened to that child in his home that it has made him the way he is today - weird - and a danger to today’s children and tomorrow’s.
This is a man who needs therapy, very badly. He needs deep immersion therapy. He never had a real childhood, but that is not an excuse for him to say that because he never had his childhood he can look into the eyes of children, claim he can see God, and is therefore free to sleep with them.
If you want to take Michael Jackson at his word, he thinks it’s just hunky dory to sleep with little 12-year-olds and 11-year-olds and 10-year-olds. As one of my son’s teachers once said, there are more things caught than there are things taught, meaning we can teach our children not to do something, but if we do it ourselves or allow bad things to happen in their sight, they catch that and think it’s okay. As the old saying put it “actions speak louder than words.”
So if you’ve got parents out there who think it’s okay for their children to sleep with Michael Jackson it isn’t surprising that a child catches the idea that if his parents think it’s okay for him to sleep with an adult male, it must be okay for a man to sleep with a child. When he grows up you may well have an incipient pedophile on your hands who was taught as a child that an adult man is free to sleep with children – and maybe even touch them as well.
The fact of the matter is, that Michael Jackson is one sick puppy who has the bizarre notion that it’s okay for him to sleep with children. I don’t care if he never lays his hands on them – the idea of a grown man sleeping with children is sick even if he never touches them. The damage is done.
Think about it: you don’t know, I don’t know, Ed Bradley doesn’t know any man who sleeps with children except for Michael Jackson. And because in America, so-called stars are allowed to get away with everything, if a child sleeps with Michael Jackson, it’s okay. He’s a star.
But if it was me, or you, or anybody else sleeping with a child, we’d already be in handcuffs headed for the slammer or we’d be shot dead by the parents. But mega-stars like Michael Jackson get a pass, and the message goes out to all the world, that if it’s okay for a widely admired star like Michael Jackson, to sleep with children, then it’s okay for children to sleep with Michael Jackson and that’s where they climb up the slippery slope.
His celebrity protects him, and incredibly he sees nothing wrong with sleeping with children, and because he’s a star he’s been allowed to get away with it for years.
This is a man who needs our prayers - and lots of therapy. And the kids he slept with also need our prayers.
Happy New Year.
©2003 Mike Reagan. You must contact us if you would like to print this column in your publication. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc. Cari Dawson Bartley [email protected], (800) 696-7561