Making Sense
Billions of Christians around the world celebrated Easter last Sunday, but not our media.
Once again the holiest day of the Christian year slipped under their godless radar.
I saw Easter pop up in the news a only few times last weekend, but the stories had nothing to do with God or religion, or the importance to Christianity of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Easter “news” was Easter egg hunts. ABC and USA Today covered the 135th annual White House Easter Egg Roll like it was a nuclear arms treaty.
An Easter egg hunt in Seattle things turned bloody when two mothers got in a nasty fight after one pushed the other’s child. And the big Easter story out of Minnesota was that an egg hunt had to take place in the snow.
Meanwhile, on Easter Sunday morning, ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos did its part to desecrate the holy day.
The show’s panel discussion on religion included an atheist who had complained three months ago that President Obama was wrong to speak of Jesus Christ at the memorial service for those killed in Newtown, Conn.
Marking Easter Day without mentioning its importance to Christians reminded me of something my father Ronald Reagan once said: “If we cease to be one nation under God, we’ll be a nation gone under.”
My father understood that the whole planet closely watches the actions of the United States. We’re seen by the rest of the world as a godly nation.
If we’re not leading the way, if we’re not serving as a good role model for the rest of the countries in the world, then who will? Russia? China?
If you don’t believe the world is watching us, here’s a little story about a man I met on the plains of Kenya.
I was staying at the Mara Safari Club when one of the Maasai warriors who worked there came up to me.
“Are you Ronald Reagan’s son?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“I’ve seen you on TV on Larry King,” he explained.
I looked around me at the empty savannah and thought, “How in the world did he see me on CNN here in the middle of Africa?”
“You’re the Christian,” the Maasai man said.
“You have a brother, Ron.”
“He’s an atheist, isn’t he?”
“I’ve seen him too on Larry King.”
Then the Maasai man asked me if I talked to my brother, Ron.
“Not often.” I said.
“The next time you talk to him,” the Maasai said, “tell him that there’s a Maasai warrior that prays for him every single day in Africa.”
As a Christian, and someone who was not praying for my brother and sisters every day at that time, I suddenly felt about an inch tall. Because of that encounter I do pray for them now.
People wonder why the country is in the turmoil it is. Yet our godless media give us no moral principles to live by and nothing of eternal value to hang on to or reach for.
If you do strive for something spiritual or publicly express your faith in God and his power and love, the media are quick to ridicule you or bring in atheists for “balance.”
I don’t care what the media or the atheists think about God or our Founding Fathers. We’re a Christian nation. We were founded on godly principles. Read the Constitution.
We desperately need to get back to those founding principles, and not just on Easter Sunday.
Copyright ©2013 Michael Reagan. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. For info on using columns contact Cari Dawson Bartley at [email protected] or call 800-696-7561.