The Wake Up America 2012 Rally was co-produced by Jeffers Dodge and PopModal Videos, home of Mr. Reagan’s video collection of television appearances. Mr. Dodge commented in his email to Mr. Reagan, “The ‘Wake Up America 2012 Rally’ went very well. We estimated about 2,500 people overall. Producing this event was was exhilarating but exhausting… I loved it..”
Here are some photos by Peter Duke:
Deborah Flora’s Anti-War-On-Woman
Dennis Prager: Keynote speaker
Madison Rising
just think about this… Both candidates agreed that women on average are paid less than men for the same job. And we know that some CEOs have informed the employes that if Obama wins they will lay off employees OR reduce employes work hours to less than 30 hours a week so the Company doesn’t have to PAY for Obama Care. Currently both women and men have the same cost for Obama Care so that’s a wash….. And women are now the bread winner in many house holds… If this is true…. Women could really be sweating this election ” If you tell them what many Co. CEO’s are planning to do If Obama Wins.” And Romney is considered to be well behind Obama with women voting.
This may be the flea that breaks the Camels back….. Just think about women losing their family health Care because of layoffs or they were cut back to 30 hours or less so the Company doesn’t have to pay for their Family’s Health Care.If you and the Romney’s campaign, this could be Big! And think about the fear a woman will have about her family losing their Health Care… She could and really MUST think about leaving Obama and voting for Romney…. Think about that….
John B.